Mittelschule Waldbach 

English project days with native speakers



Our project days with Dave


Our teacher’s name was David and he told us that he had come from South Africa. He is 54 years old and he has got two kids. Dave and his family moved from South Africa to Slovenia some years ago. His mother tongue is English. We played a lot of different games with him, which was very funny and amazing. We played volleyball, football, “Burgball” and also a lot of games with questions, so-called quizzes. When we played volleyball we had two teams. For me it was one of the best games ever. Our class played until 15 points. 

We did a scavenger hunt as well. Our class had to find some various things outside and then we had to bring the things back to Dave. For example a green and a yellow leaf or a plastic bag. We also had to sing something for about 20 seconds.

My favourite parts were when we played the games. That was so cool. I also learnt some new games and they were very funny. In my opinion the most difficult thing was to do the power point presentation.

I think it was worth doing these project days. That was one of the best weeks during this school year.                                      

                                                                                               Written by Clara Wilfinger, 3a


Our project days with Dave

Our teacher’s name was Dave. He actually came from South Africa, but now he lives in Slovenia. Dave told us how dangerous it was in South Africa because of the Apartheid system. Our teacher has a family with a , who is 13 and a daughter, who is 18. David also told us that he and his son had corona last year. He is 54 years old, but he’s very fit.

We did some sports every day and that was great fun. Before this project I didn’t know that volleyball might be so much fun.

One of my favourite part was the presentation. There we could choose out of three themes. The first option was “Our dream school”, the second one was “A trip with two celebrities for a weekend”. Our budget was 10,000 €. There was also a third topic which we could choose. It was “To create a new mobile phone”. I worked in a group of three together with Gregor and Florian and we created a new mobile phone the “IOS is shit” and our slogan was: “It’s easy to be better than apple”. Gregor made the app “The mother changer” and Florian the app “The Flyer”. In the mean time I made the main tasks about the mobile and I also created a new logo for it. After having all the details I made a power point presentation. During the sixth lesson on Thursday we showed this presentation the other classmates.

For me, nothing was difficult. I guess I was able to improve my speaking and listening skills. All in all the week was very fascinating and funny.

                                                                                              Written by Dominik Lueger, 3a


 Our English project days with Adam and Jason

Our English project days were very interesting. The teachers Adam and Jason came to us from the UK, but now Jason lives in Slovenia and Adam lives in Graz.  A few years ago, Adam was diving for the police to search dead bodies in the water. Before Jason became an English teacher, he was in the army and once he saw the Queen.

Both teachers were very funny and it was nice to work with them. We did some small talk and played games to get to know each other well. One day Adam told us many things about a small house and then we had to draw it. We also did a scavenger hunt outside and inside the school. My friend Felix and I won.

On the third day we started a power point project in groups. It was about a famous person in a city. We had to choose a person and plan a trip for him/her. My friends and I chose the Rock in Dubai.

My favourite part of the week was the film. We watched “Jumanji”- in English of course.
When Adam or Jason asked me something quite fast it was difficult for me to answer them, especially at the beginning.
During this project I improved my speaking skills and learned to play volleyball. I think the 80€ were worth for this week. It was so funny and cool.

                                                                                Written by Lorenz Gaulhofer, 3b


Our project days with Adam and Jason

This English week was absolutely great for me. Our teachers Adam and Jason were very friendly and also very funny.
One day Adam found four dead bodies in the water, when he was doing his diving job and he also is a karate-champion. Jason has a four year old son and he lives in Slovenia. We also did a lot of activities for example volleyball, sit-football or “Völkerball”. Playing volleyball was one of my favourite activities from this week. In this game you are split into two groups and you must bring the ball over the net to the other group. You can bridge or bugger the ball over the net. When the ball falls on the opponent’s ground, you have reached a point.
Another very great game is sit-football. It is like normal football, but you must sit on the floor and you are not allowed to stand up. Only the goal keeper is allowed to stand up.
I liked watching the film Jumanji in English, but I liked playing volleyball most.

At the bginning it was very difficult to speak English with Adam and Jason because they didn´t understand any German. I really improved my speaking skills and also my listening skills. I suppose it was so worth doing it. In my opinion the English project week was so awesome and absolutely exciting.

                                                                            Written by Sandra Zimmermann, 3b


Our project days with Adam and Jason

We had a very great English week with our teachers Jason and Adam. They are native English speaking teachers. They were very funny. Jason, who was one of our teachers, lives in Slovenia and has a four-year-old son. My second teacher was Adam. Adam lives in Graz and is very brave, because he told us that he had found four dead people in a river while he was diving.

My class, my teachers and I did awesome activities. For example we played dodgeball or volleyball. We practiced our English or created our own project. The project was about to plan a trip for a famous person.
Sandra and I chose Emma Watson. She was going to Dublin. Finally we had to tell our class about the trip. Jason and Adam said that our class did an amazing job.
The second action I want to describe is our drawing competition. We had to draw some items, which that Adam described. We were allowed to ask him questions so that our drawing was similar to that in Adam’s head.

My favorite parts were the sports part and watching ‘Jumanji’.
First it was quite difficult to understand them because they spoke very fast. But at the end I was able to understand Jason and Adam very well.
I improved my speaking and listening skills. In my opinion we learned a lot and it made a lot of fun.


                                                                                   Written by Emma Teichert, 3b


Mittelschule Waldbach

                                                                                 Waldbach, 05.02.2021


Liebe Eltern, liebe Erziehungsberechtigte!


Endlich dürfen wir unsere Schultüren – zumindest für einen Schicht­betrieb – wieder öffnen.

Wir freuen uns auf die Kinder, da wir einerseits wissen, wie sehr ihnen der soziale Kontakt zu MitschülerInnen und LehrerInnen fehlt, anderer­seits aber auch die Betreuungssituation in den Familien allmählich schwierig wird.

Zu den vorgegebenen Rahmenbedingungen schicke ich Ihnen/euch den Elternbrief unseres Herrn Bundesministers mit, in dem der organisa­torische Ablauf beschrieben ist.

Die gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Hygienemaßnahmen sind natürlich weiterhin einzuhalten.

Diese sind:

·        Sicherheitsabstand von 2 Metern

·        Tragen einer FFP2 – Maske für LehrerInnen und übriges Personal im gesamten Schulgebäude

·        Verpflichtendes Tragen eines eng anliegenden Mund – Nasen – Schutzes für alle Kinder im gesamten Schulgebäude

·        Handhygiene

·        Schnelltests jeweils am ersten Tag des Präsenzunterrichts (gültig für 48 Stunden)

·        Größtmöglicher Abstand im Bus

Jede Klasse ist in Gruppe A und Gruppe B zu unterteilen. Ich habe mich bemüht, in Absprache mit den Klassenvorständen zu berücksichtigen, dass Geschwisterkinder am selben Tag in der Schule sind.

Sollte es dennoch begründete Änderungswünsche geben, bitte ich um rasche Rückmeldung.

Ich wünsche Ihnen/euch schöne, erholsame Semesterferien und einen guten Start ins kommende Semester.


Liebe Grüße

DirinMS Erna Faustmann



Mittelschule Waldbach



Im Religionsunterricht haben sich unsere Klassen heuer vor allem in kreativer Art und Weise auf das Weihnachtsfest vorbereitet.

Unter dem Motto "Heuer einmal anders schenken..." gestalteten unsere Schüler und Schülerinnen gemeinsam mit RL Maria Schweighofer-Lenz und RL Christoph Haas ein Stern-Billet mithilfe von Öl-Pastelkreiden. Dieses Weihnachtskärtchen wurde mit einem besinnlichen Spruch und mit persönlichen Wünschen gestaltet und kann damit zuhause als nettes Geschenk für ihre Eltern, Geschwister, Großeltern oder auch Firmpaten unter dem Christbaum liegen. So steht das Schenken von etwas Persönlichem viel stärker im Mittelpunkt und nicht nur das materielle Geschenk.

Wir sind stolz auf die tollen Werke und die kreativen Ideen unserer Schüler und Schülerinnen! 🙂

Wir laden Sie heuer besonders ein, das Schenken auch ein wenig zu überdenken und das Persönliche, die Gemeinschaft und das Zeit Schenken gemeinsam mit dem Jesuskind in das Zentrum des Weihnachtsfestes zu stellen.


Mittelschule Waldbach

Advent Challenge für Kids


Um auch während der Phase des Distance Learnings sportlich aktiv zu sein, wurde die Advent Challenge von Herrn Frischenschlager ins Leben gerufen. 

Unsere Schule nimmt im Rahmen des Bewegungs- und Sportunterrichts an dieser Challenge teil. Es handelt sich hierbei um einen Videokurs mit Fitness-Übungen, bei dem alle Kinder unserer Schule, von zuhause aus, teilnehmen können. Um die Motivation der Kinder zu steigern, können sie durch Absolvieren möglichst vieler Wiederholungen Punkte erzielen, die dann innerhalb der Klasse addiert werden. Die besten drei Klassen unserer Schule werden bei der Bildungsdirektion eingereicht. Sollte eine Klasse unter den besten 10 teilnehmenden Klassen sein, wird sie mit einer Medaille ausgezeichnet. (Erhebungsblatt_Adventchallenge)

Mittelschule Waldbach

Klimalehrpfad in Wenigzell

Kurz vor den Herbstferien durften wir am Freitag, den 23.10., den Klimalehrpfad in Wenigzell als erste Schule kennenlernen. Gerade unter den derzeitigen Bedingungen waren dabei die kurze Anreise und der Lehrpfad an der frischen Luft ideal.

 Spannende Einblicke in Klimaschutz sowie Klimawandelanpassung werden auf diesem Rundweg an 10 Stationen mit Infotafeln vermittelt. Neben den interaktiven Mitmachstationen konnten wir uns vor allem am großartigen Herbstwetter erfreuen.

Unser Fazit zum ersten Rundgang: Ein Muss für alle jene, denen Nachhaltigkeit am Herzen liegt und die einem Spaziergang inkl. „Waldbaden“ nicht abgeneigt sind!

Bei Interesse: Der Lehrpfad richtet sich an Erwachsene gleichsam wie an Kinder und startet beim Barfußpark Wenigzell.

Daniel Kohlfürst

Mittelschule Waldbach

Reli Jugendaktion 2020: "Eine süße Tat - doppelt gut"

Unsere Schule hat sich heuer das erste Mal rund um den Sonntag der Weltkirche (18.10.) an der alljährlichen Jugendaktion der "Missio" beteiligt und sich dabei vor allem für Kinder und Jugendliche eingesetzt, die in den ärmsten Ländern der Welt keinen Zugang zu sauberem Trinkwasser oder Schulbildung haben.

Unter dem Motto "Eine süße Tat - doppelt gut" haben die SchülerInnen der beiden 4. Klassen gemeinsam mit RL Christoph Haas Schokopralinen aus Fair-Trade-Produktion am Freitag vor den Herbstferien an SchülerInnen und LehrerInnen verkauft und dabei nicht nur für sich selbst eine gute Tat (Stichwort: Schokolade ) gesetzt, sondern vor allem die Länder Uganda, Haiti, Indien und Burkina Faso unterstützt, in denen minderjährige Kinder unter Armut und Ausbeutung leiden.

Mit dem Geld dieser großartigen Aktion unserer SchülerInnen werden dort unter anderem katholische Schulen, Waisenhäuser und Krankenhäuser finanziert. Insgesamt sind dabei 620 € an Spenden zusammengekommen, für die nicht nur wir als Schule, sondern vor allem "Missio" und die unzähligen Kinder in diesen Ländern danken möchten.

Wir finden diese Aktion der 4. Klassen einfach nur toll und sind stolz auf alle SchülerInnen, die dieses Jugendprojekt mit ihrem Kauf von Schokopralinen unterstützt haben!!!


MS Waldbach // //  03336 4428